North Point’s iBand Amazed with iDevices

The North Point Community Church’s “iBand” used apps on their iPad and iPhone to deliver an impressive performance of “Carol of the Bells“, “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree” and “Feliz Navidad“.


Although they are not the first to use iOS devices in a performance, they are one of the first to use so many apps at the same time. They even use Apple’s Logic to multitrack the arrangements before they perform the songs.

If you are interested in creating your own iBand, here are the apps they used (source: The Ballad of Mr. Fun).

Carol of the Bells

Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree

Feliz Navidad

1 NLog has an universal version native to the iPad called NLogSynth Pro.
2 Precussions has an universal version native to the iPad called Precussions+.
3 Pianist has an universal version native to the iPad called Pianist Pro.

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