Several weeks ago I published an Open Letter to Smartone-Vodafone asking them to create a new tariff plan. Unfortunately, I have yet to receive any comments from SMV regarding my suggestions. Instead, it appears that Rogers in Canada is hearing my cry. The data plan that Rogers is considering is not specific to Apple’s iPad or iPhone, but they did mentioned Apple’s new device by name. Too bad Rogers is a Canadian carrier who only operates in Canada. In the past carriers in North America had not taken the lead to innovate and change with the times. So it is a present surprise to see this from one of the older carriers in Canada.
I see SMV as a even more forward thinking carrier than Rogers, so if Rogers can consider it why hasn’t SMV mentioned anything. Is this really that difficult? Are there technical hurdles that cannot be overcome? Is this pure a business roadblock? Does SMV care?
Love to hear opinions for or against my suggestions, whether you’re in the telecom business or not, I love to hear from you. Please leave your opinions in the form of a comment here, on FriendFeed or Facebook.