Why Skype for iPhone May Not Be Used?

Skype Logo 200 pixelsLast week Skype iPhone application was approved by Apple and made available through the iTunes App Store.

This was one of the most anticipated application for the iPhone after Qik for the iPhone and cut/copy & paste.

For those who do not know what Skype is, please allow me to quickly explain. Skype is classified as a VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) service. It was created in 2003 by the trio, Ahti Heinla, Priit Kasesalu and Jaan Tallinn who also created Kazaa, the peer-to-peer file sharing application.

The client application is also called, “Skype”, and it is a free download, you can install onto your mobile phone or computer, enabling you to make station to station calls free of charge over the IP network (ie. Internet).

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Apple Computers Futhers the Cause of WiFi Again

Back in 1999 Apple introduced the first affordable and easy to use WiFi (802.11b) solution to the average consumers with its Airport Base Station. Then it brought WiFi (802.11g) connection with its Airport Extreme Base Station.

Now Apple again doing its part in bringing WiFi or WLAN to as many individuals as possible with the introduction of Airport Express. See my short review in My Mac Forum.