Finally our Windows user friends can have yet another full (W3C) Standards compliant browser to choose from: among the likes of Firefox and Opera.
With Microsoft admitting their mistakes in Internet Explorer over the years and finally began their own compliance to the W3C Standards with the release of IE 7. May be the lazy web developers (specifically ones in the Financial and Real Estate industries), who still code their web sites only for Windows version of Internet Explorer will finally start to recode their web sites with W3C Standards compliance.
One can only hope that this is an indication of a bright new beginning.
I was excited by the announcement of Safari’s beta release on Windows, but I was quickly disappointed at how unstable it still is under XP. It consistently crashes at performing simple actions such as bookmarking, or even pressing backspace at google’s home page.
Thank you for your comment, but you have to remember that this is a Beta class software and problems will occur.
Having said that, I do agree that the quality of the 3.0 version was less than “Beta” class.
Have you tried the new version 3.0.1?